Created in 1993 the Salton Sea Authority is a Joint Powers Authority (JPA) responsible for working in consultation and cooperation with the State of California to oversee the comprehensive restoration of the Salton Sea.
Although the Salton Sea Authority and its partner agencies recognize the state and federal roles and responsibilities at the Salton Sea, the Salton Sea Authority is directed by board-adopted policy to assert a leadership role to ensure local priorities are recognized.
Accordingly, the Authority has successfully fought to assert a local leadership role in the revitalization efforts for the Sea. We are pleased to acknowledge that progress is being achieved on this front with improved cooperation between the Authority and its state and federal partners.
… to mitigate and restore potential impacts from the QSA water transfer, the SSA and its partner agencies appealed to the state legislature in 2012 to establish a stronger governance role for the Authority in matters pertaining to Sea revitalization. Specifically, the Authority requested the legislature to empower the Authority to develop an updated vision for a revitalized Sea, and to also develop a strategy to pay for the revitalization in cooperation with the state, as prescribed by law.
The California Legislature and Governor approved a vehicle to address this governance issue with AB 71, a bill designed to ensure that the local member agencies of the Salton Sea Authority have a voice in full consultation and coordination as partners with the state, working to restore the Salton Sea.
The broad goal of the Salton Sea Funding and Feasibility Action Plan project is to develop an updated vision for the Salton Sea and surrounding region that matches funding realities with needs. The project has three specific goals for the Salton Sea and its surrounding area: