Under the authority of the state legislature (AB 71), and in cooperation with the California Natural Resources Agency, the Salton Sea Authority has produced a Financial Feasibility Action Plan. The FFAP is a living document providing a blueprint to create a smaller but sustainable sea in a manner that is realistic, feasible, affordable, and achievable.
Access all the FFAP Benchmarks here:
Governor Edmund G. Brown Jr.’s Salton Sea Task Force, created in May 2015, has directed agencies to develop a comprehensive management plan for the Sea that will:
The Financial Feasibility Action Plan serves as the foundation for the State’s comprehensive Salton Sea Management Program. Information on the SSMP can be found at this link: The Salton Sea Management Program
Salton Sea Management Program – Phase I: 10-Year Plan
The 10-year Phase I Plan will guide early investments at the Salton Sea to protect public health and ecosystem wealth as the Sea recedes and meet goals set forth by the Governor’s Salton Sea Task Force and the Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) executed on August 31, 2016, and amended on January 18, 2017 by the Department of Interior (DOI) and the California Natural Resource Agency (CNRA).
Read more about the 10-year Phase I Plan here.
Economic Impact of the Salton Sea
A valuable report on the economic potential of the Salton Sea focuses on the $6 Billion annual tourism economy in Coachella Valley. Greater Palm Springs Convention and Visitors Bureau commissioned the highly respected Tourism Economics firm of Oxford, England to analyze potential economic impacts of two improvement scenarios at the Salton Sea. The first part of the report captures the avoided costs and damages potentially achieved if the basic air quality and habitat mitigations are accomplished by the SSMP 10-Year Plan. The second part of the report analyzes the economic gains derived from project investments that create a more robust recreational element as part of a revitalized Salton Sea, read more here.