Salton Sea’s death spiral sparks pleas for Congress to help
09/25/20 | California officials pressed Congress yesterday to step up federal efforts to address the rapidly growing public health crisis at the Salton Sea.
Federal legislators advance Salton Sea Authority Agenda
07/30/20 | House passes two bills with new directives for Army Corps and Bureau of Reclamation. This week, the US House of Representatives advanced two pieces of legislation to mobil...
State Budget includes $47 million for the Salton Sea
07/28/20 | California’s state budget includes $47 million to help the Salton Sea. The new budget was signed by Governor Newsom last month. The ongoing crisis at the Salton Sea h...
Governor signs budget with major funding for Salton Sea recovery
06/29/20 | Governor signs budget with more than $47 Million for Salton Sea projects. Salton Sea funds to launch long-awaited recovery. The Salton Sea, suffering decades o...
California agencies at odds over Colorado River drought plan
03/12/19 | “The way to arrive at a resilient and durable drought contingency plan is for the parties to work through the Salton Sea issue, not around it,” …
We can plan for a ‘leaner’ Colorado River as we save the Salton Sea
03/01/19 | Over the past five years, the seven Colorado River Basin states have been working to develop a series of drought contingency plans (DCPs) to safeguard..
Feinstein: Implement Farm Bill’s Drought Provisions to Protect Salton Sea
02/01/19 | Senator Dianne Feinstein (D-Calif.) called on the Trump administration to quickly implement new drought provisions she secured in the Farm Bill to protect the Salton Sea, ...