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Salton Sea Authority Leadership

Board of Directors

The Salton Sea Authority Board of Directors includes two elected representatives from each of the five member agencies who have long represented community stakeholders on issues relating to the Salton Sea:

Gina Nicole Dockstader,

Director, Division 3
Imperial Irrigation District

Cástulo R. Estrada,

Board Vice President
Coachella Valley Water District

Yxstian Gutierrez,

District 5, Supervisor
Riverside County Board of Supervisors

Ryan E. Kelley,

District 4, Supervisor
Imperial County Board of Supervisors

Altrena Santillanes,
Board Member*

Tribal Council Secretary,
Torres Martinez Desert Cahuilla Indians

Luis A. Plancarte,
Board Member*

Board Chairman
Imperial County Board of Supervisors

Alex Cardenas,
Board Member*

Board President
Imperial Irrigation District

Thomas Tortez, Jr.,
Board Member*

Tribal Council Chairman,
Torres Martinez Desert Cahuilla Indians

V. Manuel Perez,
Board Member*

District 4, Supervisor
Riverside County Board of Supervisors

John Aguilar,
Board Member

Division 1, Director
Coachella Valley Water District

* Indicates prior service as President of the Salton Sea Authority Board of Directors