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Feds will include Salton Sea in Drought Plan, IID says

03/01/2019 | There may be hope for finalizing a sweeping Colorado River drought contingency plan…

We can plan for a ‘leaner’ Colorado River as we save the Salton Sea

03/01/19 | Over the past five years, the seven Colorado River Basin states have been working to develop a series of drought contingency plans (DCPs) to safeguard..

New Deadline for Drought Contingency Plan Approaching

03/01/19 | “It appeared Arizona came up with a solution in time, although it wasn’t what the federal government expected.”

As Arizona nears completion of Colorado River plan…

03/01/19 | …deal remains unfinished in California

MWD’s Colorado River offer hurts Salton Sea hopes

02/28/2019 | “L.A.’s Metropolitan Water District just made a move to take the Imperial Irrigation District completely out of the game.”

Salton Sea Money Demand Clogs Up Colorado River Drought Plans

02/21/19 | California’s Salton Sea is a complicated place…

Feinstein: Implement Farm Bill’s Drought Provisions to Protect Salton Sea

02/01/19 | Senator Dianne Feinstein (D-Calif.) called on the Trump administration to quickly implement new drought provisions she secured in the Farm Bill to protect the Salton Sea, which is rapidly shrinking due to reduced inflows.

Proposition 3 includes $200M to help fund the state’s Salton Sea Management Plan

11/04/18 | Proposition 3 on the upcoming Nov. 6 ballot proposes to directly impact the most pressing public health and environmental crisis facing the residents of Riverside County and all of Southern California:  the Salton Sea.  (see article or link below)

Financing District for Salton Sea Restoration on Board Agenda Tuesday

10/20/18 | The Formation of the “Salton Sea Enhanced Infrastructure Financing District” will be on the Riverside County Board of Supervisors’ Agenda Tuesday morning.

Salton Sea Tour

09/06/2018 | To be held in conjunction with the CSDA Annual Conference and the Salton Sea Authority