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Salton Sea Authority Board of Directors Meeting 9/12/2024


Complete Board Packet

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Additional Information:


CVAG Hearing link

Begins at noon on 9/12

A. CONSENT CALENDAR – Approve, Receive, and File

1. Minutes of Salton Sea Authority Special Board Meeting July 18, 2024
2. Salton Sea Authority Warrant Register Ratification July 31, 2024
3. Salton Sea Authority Internal Financial Report for June 30, 2024 and July 31, 2024

B. Resolution in Recognition of Director’s Service to the Salton Sea Authority

C. IID Presentation – System Conservation Implementation Agreement (SCIA)
Postponed until November, 2024 Board Meeting to be held in Imperial County

D. SSMP – Monitoring Implementation Plan Presentation – Tonya Marshall, CDFW

E. Education, Outreach, and Advocacy – Review current priorities and budget allocations

a. Education – Fact-Finding Trips / Summit
b. Outreach – Health & Safety, Project Input

i. local projects
ii. Feasibility Study

c. Advocacy (State and Federal)

F. Salton Sea Authority Committees – Legislative Advocacy

G. Project Updates

a. North Lake Pilot Demonstration Project
b. Desert Shores RFP for Geotechnical Services
c. Bombay Beach


A. Federal

1. Federal Activities – Lisa Moore Lehman, Partner, Cultivating Conservation
2. US Bureau of Reclamation – Jeremy Brooks

B. State

1. State Advocacy Report – Oracio Gonzalez, Principal, Ollin Strategies
2. State of California – Mr. Miguel Hernandez, Public Affairs Officer, California Natural Resources Agency
3. Salton Sea State Recreation Area Update on Activities – Cassandara Van Dyne, Interpreter & Educator, California State Parks

C. Local

1. Salton Sea Action Committee – Alan Pace, SSAC President

D. Executive Director’s Report and Comments – G. Patrick O’Dowd, Executive Director/GM, Salton Sea Authority


Proposed 2025 Meeting Calendar


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Sep 12 2024


10:00 AM - 12:00 PM


Coachella Valley Water District
Steve Robbins Administration Building, 75515 Hovley Lane East, Palm Desert, CA 92260, (760) 398-2651